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Gender: M
Occupation: Graphic Designer
Family: Piccolo
Likes: Graphic Design, visual identity, digital design
Dislikes: Non productive day
Fave books: 1984, Norse Mythology, Animal Farm
Fave films: Joker, Apocalipse Now, The Godfather. Blade Runner
Fave music: Pink Floyd
Fave website:
Last holiday: Marathon
More about me: Felippe Piccolo is a Brazilian-Italian born and bred in Brazil, currently living in London since 2016. Since 2012, ahead of NP Studio, is responsible for managing and creating logos, stationery for corporate identity, visual concepts, editorial graphic project (books, magazines and annual reports), working in different markets as hotels, technology, food, cultural events, education, construction and investments, including names such as Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, LHW - Leading Hotels of the World, Fundação Zerbini, Nimble Babies, Echo Promoções Artísticas, Gescon and plenty more.


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npstudiouk's uploaded a photo of NP Studio | Graphic and Strategic Design
npstudiouk's uploaded a photo of NP Studio | Graphic and Strategic Design
npstudiouk's uploaded a photo of NP Studio | Graphic and Strategic Design
npstudiouk's uploaded a photo of NP Studio | Graphic and Strategic Design
npstudiouk's uploaded a photo of NP Studio | Graphic and Strategic Design
npstudiouk's uploaded a photo of NP Studio | Graphic and Strategic Design
npstudiouk's uploaded a photo of NP Studio | Graphic and Strategic Design
npstudiouk's uploaded a photo of NP Studio | Graphic and Strategic Design
npstudiouk's uploaded a photo of NP Studio | Graphic and Strategic Design
npstudiouk's uploaded a photo of NP Studio | Graphic and Strategic Design
npstudiouk's uploaded a photo of NP Studio | Graphic and Strategic Design