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Freshway Food Store in Wimbledon currently act as a collection point for DPD parcels. A parcel I had ordered was meant to be delivered there. I had received an email to say that my parcel was delivered there on the 9th of March and when I walked half an hour to get there on the 12the of March I walked in and told the man at the counter that I was there to collect a parcel. Before I'd even said that it had come mid-week he snapped back at me saying that they don't normally arrive until 1:30 on the same day. I tried to reply that I had received the confirmation email that said it had arrived 3 days before and tried to show him the e-mail on my phone. He didn't even bother to look at it, he denied having anything sent to me and basically shouted at me. Usually I have my parcels delivered by UPS to different stores and I never had a problem before. This individual though was extremely nasty, rude and unhelpful. I know that my parcel is there, and the delivery company DPD confirmed it afterwards, but I don't really know how to recover it.

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